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Reform of the asylum procedure: Austria gets rid of the NGOs

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Austria – As early as 2020, the asylum seekers will not be advised any more by NGOs but by public servants in order to shorten the procedures and to send back home faster the ones whose claims were rejected.

As the « Kronenzeitung », the main Austrian newspaper, wrote it this week, the Austrian government (ÖVP/FPÖ), lead by Sebastian Kurz and Heinz-Christian Strache, is about to prepare a revision of asylum procedures and to proceed to a certain amount of necessary reforms, highly awaited by the population.

As part of the current procedure, when a person is lodging an application for asylum in Austria, it gets the assistance of an advisor paid by the State and this task is currently conducted essentially by left wing NGOs, whose stated aim is to use all the possible means for the maximum of asylum seekers to remain in Austria, whether their claims were accepted or not.

With this reform which should come into effect in 2020, all that should belong to the past as this role of advisor will not be provided any more by the NGOs of the pro-migration lobby – which will therefore de facto lose their public financing – but by the public servants of a federal agency depending of the ministry of Internal Affairs currently lead by Herbert Kickl (FPÖ).

The aim of this reform is not only to stop financing the political opponents, but also – like in Switzerland – to introduce faster procedures leading to faster decisions. The people whose claims are legitimate, will be aware faster of their fate, while the other ones will be able to go back home with – in some cases – a financial help in order to have a new start in their home countries.

While the strongly left wing media milieu, alongside with, as usual, popular artists, already began to scream against those who intend to cut the subsidies to the NGOs of the pro-migration lobby – the « Asylindustrie » that the FPÖ opposes for years –, the Austrians very largely approve: ss shown in an online opinion poll on the website of the « Kronenzeitung », these are 86% of this paper’s readers who do approve this reform of the asylum procedure.