By Raoul Weiss.
Romania – A preliminary warning is needed, which is valid for all elections organised in Romania. The counting of the votes is entrusted to a militarised secret service, the STS (the Special Transmissions Service), which employs a non-homologated software…
By Raoul Weiss.
Romania - On the 10th of October in Bucharest, the Social-Democratic government fell after a no-confidence vote initiated by the liberal opposition (rather openly guided by president Iohannis) and his allies in the Parliament. A rather insignificant episode in…
By Modeste Schwartz.
Romania - In all the post-communist countries integrated in the EU and showing signs of rebellion, the Euro-Globalist forces (which now also oversee the Atlanticist-Globalist structures left behind by the Obama administration, and which the Trump administration has not…