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Italy looks closely at the Hungarian elections

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Massimiliano Ferrari, columnist at Il Populista.

Hungary – The Hungarian elections will be followed with great interest also in Italy and especially in Lombardy and Veneto, the two economic-cultural locomotives of a country which certainly is a bridge between Europe and the Mediterranean countries, but whose head includes itself in Central Europe and looks with more and more sympathy towards the East, starting with Vienna and Budapest.

From Milan, we have followed with great interest the birth and the rise of the Visegrád Group and we have often been interested in this block of sovereign countries, which fights against the absurd laws and dictates of the EU. Italy, hostage for years of a leftist government promoting wild immigration and submission to radical Islam, found in Orbán’s Hungary and Kaczyński’s Poland a hope, a beacon to follow in the night, an example to support and imitate.

That is why, when in Austria the center-right supporters of Visegrád won the elections, we rejoiced and worked hard so that in Italy too, a sovereign coalition could finally return to power. We did it, and the victory, especially that of the League, was beyond all expectations, not only at the national level, but also in Lombardy with a new president, Attilio Fontana, supported by the League and great connoisseur and lover of Central Europe.

We have been very pleased to see that Viktor Orbán, on several occasions, has stressed the importance of the Italian vote, recalling the importance of the example given a few years ago by the small Hungary which, like David, has dared challenge Goliath. Orbán is right: Budapest and Warsaw, in the first place, were an excellent example for us and today it would be important to give even more strength to the counter-power that Visegrád represents within the EU. This European Union which does not respect the people who compose it must be changed and the only way to do so is to give more weight to the concrete realization that is Visegrád, which perhaps seen from Rome may seem strange or marginal (remember the stupid words of the previous Italian Prime Minister) but seen from Milan and Venice is important and central.

On the other hand, the EU has realized to its dismay the important role played by the Visegrád group and it is not by chance that today Brussels is doing everything to undermine the Polish government and to marginalize Orbán on the European political scene. The Hungarian Prime Minister is right when he says that there is an attempt to create a fault in the Hungarian dam to blow up the last wall of protection and make the invasion of Europe impossible to stop. Today, as Orbán says, we are witnessing a slow occupation of Europe, region by region, country by country, but if the Hungarian dam were to give way, the invasion would have the characteristics of a tsunami. For us, as observers who look at Visegrád and aspire to be able to create synergies, it is clear that the current attempt is to block Orbán in order to weaken and blow up the Visegrád group, the first step in trying to to marginalize all European “populists” through a combination of media and legislative attacks.

Just as in the past the fate of Europe ended up in the hands of the Polish cavalry which liberated Vienna from the Turkish siege, it is now in the hands of the Hungarian electors.