MPs from the Left and the liberal Civic Coalition (KO) will meet on Friday to discuss legal solutions in connection with the judgment of the Constitutional Court on abortion. The main topic of the talks is “decriminalisation of abortion aid.”
“Thanks to this law, no one will have to fear imprisonment for wanting to help women, that he will want to help those who come to the doctor, or doctors with a fatal, dramatic fetal defect, so that this decision may actually belong to the doctor and to his patient, and no one else, but most of all, of course, to women” – said Magdalena Biejat, MP from the Left during a press conference.
The meeting will be attended by a delegation from the Civic Coalition Club. “It is necessary to discuss matters related to what is happening in Poland in all fields. Therefore we will participate in this meeting, and we expect the same when we organise such a meeting ourselves – said the head of the KO club Cezary Tomczyk.
The centrist agrarian party PSL might also participate in the meeting. “We are interested in resolving the conflict over abortion, which was sparked by the ruling party,” said the spokesman of the “peasants” Miłosz Motyka.

In turn, the director of the Press Office of the nationalist Confederation, Tomasz Grabarczyk, informed that “at this moment the Confederation has not yet made a decision as to whether it will take part in such a meeting (…) This matter will be discussed in the group of the Confederation’s Council of Leaders he added.
The recent ban on eugenic abortions provoked a new wave of protests in Poland. As it was already the case in late October, some pro-abortion protesters turned violent. Some clashes took place between protesters and the police. Several banners depicting babies in the womb (promoting perinatal hospitals) have also been savagely vandalised.
The Polish government released a Constitutional Court ruling in which the clause in Polish abortion law authorising abortions on the grounds of a pregnant child’s disability is unconstitutional. This means that it is no longer possible in Poland to terminate a pregnancy (up to the 24th week) when “prenatal examinations or other medical data indicate a high probability of serious and irreversible disability of the fetus or of an incurable disease threatening his life”. This condition was one of the three that allowed for an abortion.
The other two conditions, which remain in force, related to cases where the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest (abortion authorised up to the 12th week of pregnancy) or when the pregnancy endangers life or the health of the pregnant woman (without time limit).
— Dominik Tarczyński MEP (@D_Tarczynski) February 1, 2021