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Center for Fundamental Rights: Hands off our children!

The Magyar Nemzet is the main daily outlet of Hungary. Founded in 1938, the Magyar Nemzet (Hungarian Nation) is a reference journal for the conservatives of Hungary. The conservative newspaper is close to the current Hungarian government lead by Viktor Orbán.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This article has been published online by the Magyar Nemzet on March 29, 2021.

The Háttér (background) Society has been promoting their harmful propaganda for decades – long losing any sense of understanding or acceptance.

It is unacceptable for our children to become the next victims of gender ideology, says Miklós Szánthó, director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, in his analysis regarding the Háttér (Background) Society’s intentions of obtaining information concerning genital interventions in young children from the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK).

It seems completely surreal that a homosexual propaganda organization would be interested in the otherwise routine genital surgeries of babies in the middle of a pandemic – but their intentions are quite obvious. Presumably, the deceitful data collection is aimed at eventually being able to demonstrate the presence of intersex people and then, based on this, target parents who want to save their child’s health and raise them morally, said Miklós Szánthó, director of the Center for Fundamental Rights.

As reported in Magyar Nemzet’s article from Saturday, the Háttér (Background) Society requested data from the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK) because it seeks to obtain information on genital interventions on young children in order to launch an awareness, social and health campaign; also, they intend to start an education and sensitization campaign for social and health workers to which the European Commission has contributed thirty thousand euros.

The Háttér Society has been promoting their harmful propaganda for decades and has long since lost any sense of understanding or acceptance; they broadcast homosexuality as a type of lifestyle freedom and frame the exception as the norm, presenting the abnormal as normal – wrote Miklós Szánthó. He added:

the newest phase of the XXI century’s “sexual revolution” is gender madness, rejecting the creation of man and woman.

They argue that biological gender is a secondary role that has been forced on us or learned, that we can actually step out of in order to choose the gender we like.

This is how categories based on self-defined gender emerge such as queer, asexual, genderfluid, or nonbinary – listed the Center for Fundamental Rights director who says that common sense cannot determine what these mean, yet they are trying “scientific” methods to prove they exist.

Most likely, this is the purpose of the Háttér Society’s newest mission, because if they can prove that there are medical cases, with newborns for example, where genital operations are performed to maintain health and restore normal conditions, then this indicates that these babies are actually intersex (a condition affecting about 0.5 – 1 % of society).

Miklós Szánthó pointed out in his evaluation: before we assume that the aforementioned danger is not realistic, remember that homosexual and gender propaganda began much earlier in the West and their “fruits” have grown from each other. First, gay marriage was introduced, then children could be adopted, then an official third sex was recognized, and finally, those who disagree with the promotion of “special” sexual orientations were stigmatized.

The “quiet rain” has been drizzling for a while in our homeland, but it’s starting to turn into high gear; after the gay pride parades came the gender-sensitizing storybook, then the Háttér Society’s fake “Family is family” campaign, and now they relentlessly target children and parents.

Tamás Dombos, project coordinator and board member of the Háttér Society told our paper earlier: the report is being prepared as part of a project exploring the situation of intersex people and children in Hungary in general and what kinds of interventions are performed.

According to the Háttér Society, a parent cannot make decisions for a small child that influence what their gender will be and whether nonessential surgical intervention is required.

Tamás Dombos emphasized that a parent’s decision-making-rights extend to matters serving the child’s interests. He noted that of course, there are certain interventions that may be necessary for an intersex child, but the number is negligible.


Krisztina Kincses