Samizdat No. 7. - Viktor Orbán's response to Mikuláš Dzurinda
Mikuláš Dzurinda refuses the idea I proposed in an interview with, on how the V4 countries need to work toward transforming the European Union’s German-French axis into a three-pillar, power center…
Some malicious voices say that this is already an election program, just in case early elections have to be called. The new government program presented last weekend at the national convention of the Law and Justice party (PiS) was, however, also signed…
A few days ago, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán refused to sign one of the EU’s mundane “declarations of concern” concerning the human rights situation in Hong Kong. This provoked the standard outcry from Western media outlets that saw this refusal…
Remarks of Viktor Orbán before the Summit
Porto, 7 th May 2021
Thank you very much for providing us chance to talk to you anyway.
I just would like to share some of my experiences. You know, I have been Prime Minister…
Poland – The abstention of the Civic Coalition (KO) in the Sejm vote on the European Recovery Plan ratification law seems to have accentuated the deepening identity crisis experienced by the main partner in this coalition of liberals and greens: the Civic…
Conservative journalist banned from television for criticizing Polish government’s anti-Covid policy
Is it still permissible in Poland to criticize the government’s policy against the Covid-19 pandemic? One may have doubts, after public television suspended conservative journalist Jan Pospieszalski’s program Warto Rozmawiać (“It’s worth talking”) following the discussions held on April 12.
The speakers,…
This article has been published online by Moszkvatér on April 25, 2021.
With the return of the United States, Central Europe is once again caught in the crossfire of Russian versus US interests. The Slovakian and subsequently the Czech examples show that…
This article has been published online by XXI Század Intézet on April 26, 2021.
European politics has been vegetating in the shadow of the competing superpowers since World War II. Germany (apparently) gave up on being Europe’s leading cultural and military power,…
Poland – On Tuesday, commentators close to both the government and the opposition seemed to agree: the PiS-led United Right coalition will survive until the next parliamentary elections in 2023. An agreement had been reached between the coalition partners on a new…
Hungary – EU member states have until 30 April to submit a plan for the usage of the 672.5 billion Euros that the Commission is going to levy from the financial markets during the next four years. This levy, entitled “Recovery and…
Article originally published on Látószög, on March 18, 2021.
Instead of the “end of history” a period of sharp geopolitical struggles and a new Cold War is coming.
The historical dynamics of globalization
We can only consider a true global order from…
Article published in the Polish liberal-conservative weekly Do Rzeczy No. 13/418 of March 29.
The Kremlin presents itself as the global defender of traditional values. This is not without good reason, but the claim is based on different values than those of a…