Hungary/European Union – On 16 November , the European Court of Justice ruled that the so-called “Stop Soros” law – adopted in 2018 by Hungarian lawmakers and aimed at countering the influence and activities of NGOs favouring uncontrolled mass…
Hungary – 1,472 delegates from all over Hungary and around 600 guests (diplomats, scientists, artists, and sportsmen) gathered on Sunday, 14 November at the Budapest Fairgrounds (Hungexpo) for the 29th Fidesz Congress, unsurprisingly reappointing Prime Minister Viktor Orbán with 1,061 votes as…
Hungary – In view of the sharp rise in fuel prices in recent weeks, the Hungarian government has decided to cap the price of petrol and diesel at 480 forints (about €1.3) per litre from 15 November for at least three months.…
This article was published online by the Magyar Nemzet on 13 November 2021.
Earning a diploma is an enormous investment for the individuals, family and the State
The Diákhitel Plusz (Student Loan Plus) loan, introduced last year in response…
This article was published online by the Magyar Nemzet on 11 November 2021.
The time has come to say it out loud: it is necessary to change the spatial structure of the Hungarian economy. The predominantly Budapest-centered policy of the past 150…
This article was published online by the Magyar Nemzet on 11 November 2021.
“Don’t you think it is finally time for some quiet self-reflection?” wrote Tamás Deutsch on Monday in his open letter to the European People’s Party in…
This article was published online by the Magyar Nemzet on 10 November 2021.
MEP speech at ElkXrtuk premiere in Brussels
On the 50th anniversary of the 1956 revolution, on October 23, 2006, a doubled sin was committed against the…
European Union – Launched by the European Commission in 2019 and tied to a “climate package” of 12 targets in July 2021, the European Green Deal has again been much discussed in recent weeks, with the energy choices it entails being blamed…
Hungary – On 28 October, the Hungarian government’s spokesman, Gergely Gulyás, announced new measures adopted by the government to fight the pandemic, justifying the decisions by the increase in the number of new cases.
Employers can now impose vaccination on their employees…
This article was published online by the Magyar Nemzet on 3 November 2021.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wrote a letter to the President of the European Commission addressing the escalating migrant crisis. Magyar Nemzet had a look at the letter: the Prime Minister made…
Hungary – From Monday to Wednesday, the candidate of the National Rally (RN) in France’s upcoming presidential election was in Budapest to meet with Viktor Orbán and to talk about, among other things, forming a joint parliamentary group in the European Parliament.…
Czechia – In a theme familiar to many in the West, polling predictions failed dramatically as Czechia held its lower-house elections on October 8-9. This time it worked against the populists, as the outcome was poor for incumbent Prime Minister Andrej Babiš…