This article has been published online by the Magyar Nemzet on December 1, 2020.
It’s not the first time Bucharest’s politicians are protesting the business mogul’s interference.
George Soros essentially has nothing to lose because he’s won the ideological battle—claimed Bogdan Duca,…
By Raoul Weiss.
Romania – A preliminary warning is needed, which is valid for all elections organised in Romania. The counting of the votes is entrusted to a militarised secret service, the STS (the Special Transmissions Service), which employs a non-homologated software…
By Raoul Weiss.
Romania - On the 10th of October in Bucharest, the Social-Democratic government fell after a no-confidence vote initiated by the liberal opposition (rather openly guided by president Iohannis) and his allies in the Parliament. A rather insignificant episode in…
By Raoul Weiss.
Romania - On April 25, László Tőkés, a bishop of the Transylvanian-Hungarian Calvinist Church and already legendary freedom-fighter of the Hungarian minority in Romania, who is also a FIDESZ MEP, paid a visit to MM. István Beke and Zoltán…
By Thibaud Cassel.
Part 1/3 here! - Part 2/3 here! - 3/3 - Part 3: Romania on the wire - The Celebration of the centenary of modern Romania on December 1, 2019.
The "evil wind" coming from the East, denounced by the…
By Modeste Schwartz.
Romania - In all the post-communist countries integrated in the EU and showing signs of rebellion, the Euro-Globalist forces (which now also oversee the Atlanticist-Globalist structures left behind by the Obama administration, and which the Trump administration has not…
By Modeste Schwartz.
Romania - Since the 1990s, the increasing hegemony of the Soros galaxy on Romanian civil society has resulted in a continuous intensification of LGBT propaganda. After obtaining some rather uncontroversial reforms (such as the decriminalization of homosexuality), the LGBT…
By Modeste Schwartz.
Romania - The means to know the future in advance are the subject of an old and repetitive debate, concerning the comparative advantages of the crystal ball, necromancy and Jacques Attali's table talk. Regarding the political situation in Central…
Von Modeste Schwartz.
Romania - Pro-migration, globalist and with a full of understanding of the LGBT agenda, the Romanian "Right", to reinvent itself after its historic defeat in December 2016, would have a hard time resorting to this "leap forward in identity…
By Modeste Schwartz.
Romania - “I do not know what Mr. Dragnea is scheming over there with the Jews.”
This rather unprofessional statement, publicly stated yesterday by an ethnically German EU head of state, and which, if it had been uttered, for…