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Hungary, Poland and Czechia sanctionned

European Union - The European Commission has initiated on Monday, June 12, an infringement procedures against Hungary, Poland and Czechia for those countries’ failing to implement the community’s earlier decision on refugee quotas. EU migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos told on Tuesday to…

Montenegro joins NATO

Montenegro - The tiny Balkan state, former part of Yugoslavia and of Serbia, Montenegro joined officially NATO on Monday, June 5. During a ceremony in Wahsington DC, officials from Montenegro signed the accession of the small western Balkan country to the North…

The Fight of the two Europes

European Union - It has not gone unnoticed that the European Union is considering using the so-called "Article 7" of the Treaty of Lisbon towards Hungary, suspending its right to vote. At the same time, Poland and Austria have also received serious…