Poland/Ireland – Sligo is a small town of 17,000 inhabitants in the diocese of Elphin on the northwestern coast of the Republic of Ireland, with a Polish minority of about two thousand people in the town itself and its surroundings. For more…
Poland – A new law has just been passed by the Polish parliament to allow the authorities to expel the LGBT lobby and gender ideologues from the country’s schools. Dubbed “Lex Czarnek” in reference to its initiator, Education Minister Przemysław Czarnek, the…
In our industrial societies, energy policies are steeped in paradox. Ideology versus pragmatism, ecology versus economic appetites, idealistic sobriety versus materialist hedonism. Nothing should be further from energy policies than announcement effects or emotional reactions. But in our troubled times nothing escapes…
Hungary - A figurehead in the cultural war led by Viktor Orbán against progressive domination, journalist and editor Árpád Szakács has for several years received honours from institutions close to the-powers-that-be, from the media to foundations. But the rising star of the…
This article was published online by Mandiner on 23 November 2021.
You have to beg the Pfizerist Germans to take Moderna, while the Austrians are still testing people after they’ve been vaccinated three times. It’s therefore been proven: the pandemic is…
Romania – It seems that Romanian company Romgaz has reached an agreement with US giant ExxonMobil to buy the US company’s 50% stake in the Neptun Deep gas field project, located in the Black Sea, for a sum of 1.06 billion dollars.…
Those wanting more liberal abortion laws were back on the streets in many cities of Poland on Saturday, 6 November. The biggest demonstration took place in Warsaw in front of the Constitutional Tribunal, which ruled a year ago that the clause in…
Europe - Before we answer the question contained in the title, let us consider what we mean by the concept of classical European culture by listening to contemporary authors and thinkers from Poland. These prominent intellectuals of our time agree on the…
Poland - On Sunday, 19 September, the streets of Warsaw’s historic centre were filled with those taking part in the March for Life and Family. This was the event’s sixteenth consecutive year. Last year, such marches took place simultaneously in 140 Polish…
This article was published online by Medium.com on 16 September 2021.
A question I get asked frequently is “why would you ever want to leave California for Poland?” It’s a sincere question, I don’t blame people for asking. Why on earth would…
Hungary – Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó visited St. Petersburg at the end of August to meet with Gazprom Group CEO Alexei Miller. The two men then agreed on the details of a new long-term contract for the purchase of Russian gas…
In vogue since the early 1990s and tested by several countries and some companies since then, the four-day working week has been actively discussed since the beginning of the “Covid era”. In March 2020, the Hungarian Euro-enthusiast party Momentum even included it…