Poland / Hungary - On 12 March 2007, the Hungarian parliament unanimously decreed that the 23rd March be considered as “Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day”. Four days later, a similar resolution was adopted by acclamation by the Polish parliament.
Anyone with a passing interest…
This article has been published online on December 8, 2020 on the site of the Századvég Institute.
In recent years, security and order and the conflict between human rights and political freedoms, such as mass migration and terrorism, have often been an issue.…
Poland - On Wednesday, March 10, the European Parliament held a plenary debate on “Government attempts to silence free media in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia”. That discussion had been announced a week earlier on the European Parliament’s website, in a newsletter titled…
European Union - Ever since the European Union declared itself a “LGBTQ freedom zone” on 11 March 2021, debate around “LGBTQ” ideology has been rampant in the media and, by extension, criticism of “intolerant” and “authoritative” Poland, where it is said that…
This article has been published online by the Magyar Nemzet on March 14, 2021.
A concept idolized by the left is now an arbitrary political too.
Though Hungary was caught in the left-wing crossfire in the European Union near the end of…
European Union - Poland in particular, but also Hungary and Slovenia, were at the center of criticism on Wednesday and Thursday in the European Parliament. The three conservative-governed Central European countries were the subject of a debate on media freedom. The first…
Poland – Clément Beaune, the French Secretary of State for European Affairs, made a visit to Poland on Monday and Tuesday. Since Emmanuel Macron was elected president, France has been somewhat cool towards Poland’s leaders, whom Macron has described as being “below…
This article has been published online by the Magyar Nemzet on March 6, 2021.
“…what is unlawful cannot be left without a word! We can’t keep that EU legislation in force, which seriously infringes legal certainty, thus, as we promised last year,…
This article was originally published on Tysol.fr on March 5, 2021.
For the thirty-year anniversary of the Visegrád Group, and split this week between the PPE and Fidesz, Thibaud Gibelin takes a look and contextualises Central Europe’s uncomfortable, yet decisive, situation.
What was…
This article has been published by Századvég on December 11, 2020.
In recent years, the role of climate change issue in European politics and public discourse has grown significantly. Excessive sensitization and political polarization are directing an increasing mass of people towards two…
This article has been published online by the Magyar Nemzet on March 6, 2021.
I have been visiting wonderful Hungary since 1978. In Eger the Szépasszony valley, the Lake Balaton and many more places in the that I got to know; I grew…
For the second time in a short while, a decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has led to a referral to the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, which will be asked to define the limits of national sovereignty.
Poland - The Polish…