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Israel counts on the V4

Hungary, Budapest - The heads of government of the Visegrád group met in Budapest with the Israeli Prime Minister. For Benjamin Netanyahu, the V4 is now an important interlocutor. Enhanced cooperation The V4+Israel meeting resulted in a number of cooperation projects. Student…

Orbán, Soros and Bibi

Budapest, Hungary - The current visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Budapest is no coincidence. It is occurring against the backdrop of the ongoing struggle between Hungary’s PM, Viktor Orbán, and the billionaire liberal "philanthropist" George Soros, against whom a…

Orbán rehabilitates Horthy

Hungary, Budapest - Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declare d that the controversial interwar Governor of Hungary, Miklós Horthy, was a national hero. The Hungarian Prime Minister made a speech d uring a ceremony for the inauguration of a newly renovated…

The Fight of the two Europes

European Union - It has not gone unnoticed that the European Union is considering using the so-called "Article 7" of the Treaty of Lisbon towards Hungary, suspending its right to vote. At the same time, Poland and Austria have also received serious…